
Limericks for All Occasions

Edited by Linda Marsh
ISBN 9781566490276 (paperback)
Published in October 1999
MSRP $12.95
A comprehensive anthology of more than 1,800 zany verses by Edward Lear and many others.
The limerick, like much of what it celebrates, can easily become addictive.

This collection of limericks written over a period of almost two hundred years reveals with undiminished accuracy the humor, neuroses, and obsessions of our times.
Contrary to popular belief, Edward Lear did not invent the form; he merely popularized it in his Book of Nonsense (1846). John Marshal had previously published a volume of limericks entitled The History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women in 1821. This volume is organized thematically under twenty-five subject headings, including “Of Maiden Aunts and Virgin Girls,” “Trollops and Tarts,” “Homo-erotica,” and “Satin and Lace,” and is indexed by name, place, and first line. A truly indispensable addition to every discerning reader's library!